On ''The Sickness,'' from their new full-length, The Black Spot, bassist Ben Early sings, ''Americans, they look away/pretend everything's okay/until this fight returns under the flag/the public stays afraid/of our new Iraqi slaves/we invade to save the world trade/Haliburton sets the score to reap the benefits of war/so they fill the pockets, fill your coffin'' Throughout the album the cycles of corporate political bedfellows, economic oppression, and American apathy build into powerful anthems that could rally the most lethargic punk into challenging the status quo, or, at the very least, hitting the pit better connected to the antiestablishment generation.
Nearly every song starts at a 10 and ratchets up the energy level to choruses that would sound jubilant were they not really about the atrocities of violence and dictator nations.
- Jennifer Maerz
1. Never Say Die
2. The Sickness
3. Hooks & Sink-Her
4. Rope's End
5. Telltale American
6. Bereaved
7. The Black Spot
8. The Hemingway Solution
9. Sleaze Of Seven Seas
10. My Misfortune
11. No Cure For Me
12. The Sky Turned Black
13. Charcoal Tears
14. Pieces Of Eight
BandHollow Points