Michael “Atters” Attree meets dapper DJ Gaz Mayall
Chappish Dispatches: the latest on monocle fashions
The history, construction and art of wearing the pea coat
Dapper Day at Disneyland – when the pleasure park opens its gates to dandies
British fountain pens: forget Mont Blanc and enjoy an Onoto
Steve Pittard on left-handed cricketers
Tom Cutler on the gentlemanly art of taking snuff
Bon Vivant: The dark pleasures of sherry
Plumage to Catalonia: how moustaches helped shape the history of Barcelona
Photoshoot: Ladies taking snuff
Music: How Edith Sitwell invented hip hop, by Mr B the Gentleman Rhymer
Part two of the art of fly fishing
The Lip Weasel: Michael “Atters” Attree rounds up hirsute beauties and beasts
Mr. Bell the Butler advises on being a baldie and repairing umbrellas
Plus: Snuff V Snout; the Professionals, Moustache snoods