This is the ninth volume in the Clips on DVD Series. It contains 12 of Ben & Sheri's best clips. As an added bonus it also contains 3 clips from up-and-coming instructors David Braverman & Becky Peters.
Clips on this DVD:
Ben Yau, Sheri Yau
1) 2 handed triple step slide
2) ah choo swingout
3) arm pit move no1
4) arm pit move no2
5) arm pit move no3
6) arm pit move no4
7) frog jump
8) jackknife
9) martial arts no1
10) martial arts no2
11) martial arts no3
12) martial arts no4
David Braverman
13) falling off the log
David Braverman, Becky Peters
14) basket no 1
15) skip up slide