Releasing the lazerpunk madness!
This 7" is the first physical release from swedish punkrock duo The Guilt. It's mean, it's unconditional, you will dance and you will like it. Recorded and mixed in 2014 by The Guilt and Jesper T Karlsson of Black Temple, it is now being put on the shelves by Heptown Records. The three tracks on "Die" can be summarized as a bunch of clever fuck-you's. This is 'get out of my way'-punkrock that'll have you doing high-kicks in the mosh-pit in no time.
Putting lazer in the bass and punk in the face, The Guilt gets away with shredding catchy melodies with broken guitars and screaming while dancing.
In December 2011 Emma (vocals) and Tobias (guitars and beats), created this new band for the sole purpose of playing loud and simple, where ever, when ever. Since then, The Guilt have been playing their way at every space available. Dusty barns in the swedish inlands, art galleries and grimy New York clubs, delivering a sincerely kneebusting live show.
The explosive two-piece will be on the road through Europe the 17th of april to the 3rd of may, fully loaded with the fresh 7' release "Die".
Track listing
Side A:
1. Die
2. I don't wanna hear
Side B:
1. Coming down