A lotta youngsters who never saw the band were in for a surprise last year (2006) at GutterIsland Festival, where President Fetch showed everyone who the undisputed rulers of Danishpunkrock are! One could say the band is in their 3rd phase, music-wise, with wildman Molle asfrontman and crazed energizer bunny. This phase is the one that takes no prisoners!Like good wine, the boys have aged gracefully and, by some ungodly influence, they seem morefit than any 18 year old hardcore kid.
I don´t know if they sold their souls to Beelzebub, but the13 tracks on ´´Cruel Beats...Gently Slumbering´´ perfectly capture the energy of their legendarylive performances, quite an accomplishment.To these ears, the album combines 3 of my favorite albums of all time; ´´Feel The Darkness´´(Poison Idea), ´´Let There Be Rock´´ (AC/DC) and Turbonegro´s ´´Ass Cobra´´. Hardcore/punkrock,rock´n´roll and hardrock all united in a sonic mushroom cloud packed with hearts, guts, balls anda swagger that only comes from perfecting your craft through decades of hard-earned r´n´r cred!Guest musicians include some well-respected peers from Baby Woodrose and OnTrial.
There you have it: the Danish rock album of 2007 - ´´Cruel Beats...Gently Slumbering´´!
Jens Kofoed-Pihl (Lowcut.dk online magazine)
1. Victimized
2. Super Heroine Blonde
3. Penemal Liberation
4. Give Blood, Cecline
5. Gestalt
6. Kick Out The Jams
7. Gomel
8. Bar
9. Dancing With The Blue-Eyed One
10. Primo´s Number
11. Pour The Liquer
12. Neo Fetch
13. Sometimes You´re Making It Hard For Yourself