100 full-color pages
A5-sized, perfect bound
Patrick's AJS:
This long-stroke 500 used to be raced on the flat tracks of America, now it gets crashed on the streets of Paris.
Project FT:
Sideburn's very own project bike, painted by Death Spray Custom, finished and on the road. You can't polish a turd, you can only roll it in glitter.
Japan's King of street trackers gives Sideburn a tour of his shop and the masterpieces he builds.
How to win a fistfight in a phonebooth:
By Sammy Halbert. Sammy is an AMA expert, a race winner, a life-liver, a risk-taker and a genuine love or hate character in the Grand National Championship. Here he shares some of the techniques that have got him in pit fights.
Dancing with the Devil:
Look ma, no brakes! Board track antique Indian still alive and kicking on the dirt tracks of Iowa.
and much moore.....